As an expert in the IGNITON COIL industry,KAIHAO has provided solutions for hundreds of auto spare parts retailers for 20 years. By visiting customers, we get good reviews from our customers.


Como experto en la industria IGNITON COIL, KAIHAO ha brindado soluciones para cientos de minoristas de repuestos de automóviles durante 20 años. Al visitar a los clientes, obtenemos buenas críticas de nuestros clientes.


كخبير في صناعة IGNITON COIL ، قدمت KAIHAO حلولًا لمئات تجار التجزئة لقطع غيار السيارات لمدة 20 عامًا. من خلال زيارة العملاء ، نحصل على مراجعات جيدة من عملائنا.

Команда KAIHAO

Являясь экспертом в отрасли IGNITION COIL, компания KAIHAO на протяжении 20 лет предоставляет решения для сотен продавцов автозапчастей. Посещая клиентов, мы получаем хорошие отзывы от наших клиентов.

Current location: HomeFAQ ⊙ What's IGNITION COIL?

About ignition coil

An ignition coil (also called a spark coil) is an induction coil in an automobile's ignition system that transforms the dynamo's voltage to the thousands of volts needed to create an electric spark in the spark plugs to ignite the fuel.

Some coils have an internal resistor, while others rely on a resistor wire or an external resistor to limit the current flowing into the coil from the car's 12-volt supply. The wire that goes from the ignition coil to the distributor and the high voltage wires that go from the distributor to each of the spark plugs are called spark plug wires or high tension leads.

Originally, every ignition coil system required mechanical contact breaker points and a capacitor (condenser). More recent electronic ignition systems use a power transistor to provide pulses to the ignition coil. A modern passenger automobile may use one ignition coil for each engine cylinder (or pair of cylinders), eliminating fault-prone spark plug cables and a distributor to route the high voltage pulses.

An ignition coil consists of a laminated iron core surrounded by two coils of copper wire. Unlike a power transformer, an ignition coil has an open magnetic circuit — the iron core does not form a closed loop around the windings. The energy that is stored in the magnetic field of the core is the energy that is transferred to the spark plug.

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